Tiny Seeds

Age: 2 years old by September 5th

Tiny Seeds introduces our littlest learners to letters, numbers, colors and shapes.  Lesson plans include language development, learning the alphabet, recognizing numbers and learning to count. Learning centers use blocks, puzzles, creative art, and books. At this stage, toddlers are becoming more independent and our teachers promote practicing life skills like hand washing, picking up toys and sharing with friends. Tiny Seeds will be introduced to Zoo-Phonics, a kinesthetic and multi-sensorial language arts program where children use their eyes, ears, mouths and bodies to learn.

Tiny Seeds do not have to be potty trained. We appreciate if they are, but understand if it is still a work in progress. We will work with you, as a team, to help them reach that goal.

Class size: 9 students with 2 teachers

Monday and Wednesday 9:00 - 11:30 $178 a month with an annual $40 supply fee

Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 - 11:30 $178 a month with an annual $40 supply fee

**Tiny Seeds placement is done based on birthdays to optimize proper socialization.**


Age: 3 years old by September 30th

Our Sprouts work on cognitive skill development and practice making decisions.  Science and discovery activities stimulate curiosity as the children learn valuable lessons about themselves and the world around them.  Theme-related projects will introduce them to letter and number concepts. Art and music activities encourage individual expression.  Lesson plans include music and movement, creative art, story time, fine motor development, and beginning writing skills.  Sprouts continue learning with our Zoo-Phonics friends and will be introduced to the Learning Without Tears program. Sprouts need to be potty trained.

Class size: 12 students with 2 teachers

3 Day Sprouts: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8:45 - 11:15 $210 a month with an annual $45 supply fee

3 Day Sprouts: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 - 11:30 $210 a month with an annual $45 supply fee


Age: 4 years old by November 30th

With our Acorns, the focus is placed on language arts and math fundamentals to promote excitement about learning new concepts. For these active learners, our lesson plans are filled with activities to help each child grow socially, intellectually and physically.  Language development includes story time and play to enrich their imaginations and teach listening and verbal interaction in a group setting.  We continue to use our phonics program, Zoo-Phonics, at a more advanced level.  Science, art and cooking will be weaved into their weekly themes to promote prediction and problem solving skills. In math, they will go beyond just counting and learn to group, graph, and recognize patterns.

Class size: 12 students with 2 teachers

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday AM class 8:45 - 11:15 PM class 12:15 - 2:45 $210 a month with an annual $50 supply fee

Mighty Oaks

Age: entering Kindergarten the following school year

Our Mighty Oaks class promotes cooperative play to learn problem solving through lesson plans that teach the children to use independent reasoning and develop manners and social skills.   Our teachers introduce the structure of a classroom setting and concentrate on early reading and math skills.  Language lessons include story time followed by content questions.  Phonics and writing are weaved throughout all theme based learning.  Learning Without Tears is used to help build a strong foundation of proper letter formation. In math, adding and subtracting are introduced along with graphing, grouping, sorting and comparisons.  In science and discovery, they will learn about chemical reactions, the earth and outer space, weather, colors, and the five senses.  Social studies teach the children about their community and different cultures. They will daily discuss, negotiate and strategize to create community play scenes, take turns, and work together toward mutual goals. A main focus of this class is Kindergarten readiness.

Class size: 16 students with 2 teachers

Monday - Thursday AM class 8:45 - 11:15 PM class 12:15 - 2:45 $260 a month with an annual $55 supply fee

S.T.E.A.M. Extended Day

Age: 4 and 5 year olds

This class uses the S.T.E.A.M. concepts (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) in all areas of planning. There will be a strong emphasis on the cognitive, physical and social-emotional domains of development. Through project-based, inquiry-driven activities; our learners will explore and discover the world around them while learning literacy, problem solving skills, and collaboration techniques. This educational approach to learning will guide student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end result is students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process.

Class size: 10 student with 1 teacher

S.T.E.A.M. A.M.: Tuesday & Thursday 8:45 - 12:15 (includes lunch bunch)

S.T.E.A.M. P.M.: Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday 11:15 - 2:45 (includes lunch bunch)

$165 a month with an annual $35 supply fee

*Lunch Bunch available to Sprouts, Acorns and Mighty Oaks *times vary* $8 a session

**10% sibling discount offered on youngest tuition(s)

Other Learning Opportunities:


*Music class takes place in our Specials classroom.

*Movement class takes place in our Specials classroom.

*Chapel (optional) takes place in our Specials classroom.

*Ms. Karen or Ms. Michele from Wright Library visits classes monthly

Friday Enrichments:

Thematic - selected Fridays (check calendar section)

8:45 - 12:15 $32 a session includes lunch bunch